Caress – a daily musical touch from Concertgebouw Brugge
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Caress – a daily musical touch from Concertgebouw Brugge

Hands must no longer shake hands,
Hands must no longer touch faces,
But hands may still touch the piano.

At the initiative of pianist and regular Concertgebouw guest Daan Vandewalle, the Concertgebouw will send a mini concert into the world, every day at 3 P.M. (GMT +1), (You Tube) with piano works by amongst others Brahms, Chopin, Schubert, Satie and Debussy. ‘The idea behind this project is that there is something very fundamental that we can’t do anymore: touching each other. What I can still do, is playing the piano with my hands.’ In this way, Daan Vandewalle and the Concertgebouw reach out to so many people who are confined to their homes and offer a musical moment that feels like a Caress, a loving touch.